Saturday, August 21, 2010

Oranges & Strawberries...

... and this Red Sunflower.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gobo, White Koi, Black Moor, Humming Bird & Julie

Gobo looks a little freaked out by the flash of my camera. Lately he gets freaked out easily?
I found this white Koi at my local pet shop. It was $12 but I thought it was pretty and I thought it would look cute in my pond. Like to give it a name but haven't thought of one yet.
This Black Moor was at the same pet shop. It looked really good and has a decent tail. I hope both the koi and goldfish survives.

 This hummingbird has staked out its territory around my backyard. It keeps buzzing around me... I guess to check out if I am a threat or something? I watched it chase another humming bird away at full speed. it was cool.

I planted a couple of small maidenhair ferns (they were growing in my orchid pots) into the java moss that's growing up and out of my pond. I am hoping it will take root and create a cute border thingy.

Well, here is Julie. It looks like she is enjoying the slightly warmer weather over the last couple of days. The bottom growth is producing a lot of buds. If they take off, it'll be a very very low branching tree. I am hoping that will be good. I really hope they're not root-stock growth.