Sunday, July 8, 2007

Pictures of my plants

I got some seeds from Armerias growing at and around work and potted them a month ago and voila, little seedlings sprouting! Nifty! The course material on top is left over orchid medium.

This is Epiphyllum Oxypetalum, a flowering plant that my family have been growing in Trinidad from as far back my early childhood could recall. My mom brought me a cutting from Canada many years ago. I never gave it a good environment before but I have since tried to improve it's life by giving it a bigger pot and a better lit room (my bedroom). Its doing well. Every-time I look at it, I think of my mom and how she tried to bring a piece of home to me by bringing me this plant cutting.
The research I did on the web to identify this species points me to think it's an oxypetalum. I was surprised to find that there are so many color variations and I was so tempted to get a few of those. A real lovely plant.

An impulse buy from Home Depot. I am a little nuts about venus flytraps and have always routinely killed them. Except this time, armed with a bit of Google research and experimentation, I've built an acrylic planter, transfered the plant, peat and all, into a layered mixture of prime-agra and sphagnum moss. Boy it looks like this plant might survive after all. I pinched off the flower bud that was growing so the plant would spend more of it's energy growing bigger leaves. I'm hunting for flies to feed it but couldn't find any. Go figure.
I'm guessing this plant was a product of cloning because of the tangled mass, messy state it was originally in. I'm hoping it will grow large and have a "bushy" clump look to it.

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