Friday, November 30, 2012

Heavy rain fall; little drama.

 Today was the heaviest rainfall I've seen to date. Although, apparently I've slept through previous rain falls.
 The roof seems to be slightly tilted towards this drain pipe, so all the water run off is coming out of it. If you look below, you can see the tarp is catching all the water and has effectively become a pond. I was worried but also thought this would have been a great place for a pond! 
 Tony's quick thinking saved the day. There was a leftover pipe discarded in my backyard. it was the perfect length to divert the rain water away from the light-well.
 Here is Tony bailing the light-well out with a bucket.Water did seep into the basement but the windows were fortunately tight enough that it kept a waterfall from flooding in.
 Tony, just to be safe, nailed the tarp up.
Wow, this could have been really bad.

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